Gear Wisdom: Guitar Humidity And Temperature Levels | Dawsons Music
We look at safe guitar humidity and temperature levels, how to spot warning signs that your guitar is in distress and the best way to combat damage...
- Make sure you store your guitars in a case when not in use, with minimal airflow.
- If the room you’re storing guitars in is damp, or is particular hot/cold, use the likes of humidifiers, air conditioners and heaters to combat the effects.
- Keep guitars away from open windows, air ducts, air conditioners and heaters.
- Never store your guitars in the loft/attic as the temperature cannot be regulated, unless of course this is a room you use frequently.
- Don’t leave guitars in the boot/trunk of your car as they can overheat when it’s sunny and freeze up quite badly when it’s cold.
- Always use a hardcase if possible as these provide a much greater resistance to outside temperatures.
- Try and keep your guitars out of direct sunlight as this can bleach the finish of your guitars and in some cases even crack them if left too long.
- If there is a lot of moisture in the air, keep a few small packets of silica gel in the case as they will soak up any moisture and help to keep your guitar safe. Make sure you replace them though, as wet silica gel packets will have a negative effect on your guitar.
요약하면.... 사용하지 않을때는 케이스에 넣어둬라. 방이 습하거나 덥거나 추우면 제습기, 히터, 에어컨 등 사용. 공기가 들어오는 창이나 문에서 멀리두고, 온도조절이 잘 안되는 다락방 등에 보관하지 말고, 차 트렁크에 두지 말고, 항상 가능하다면 하드케이스에 넣어서 바깥 온도로부터 보호. 직사광선 금물, 방이 습하면 건조제 사용......... 별 말 없네......
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