2013년부터는 커스텀 버커 픽업으로 나온다는 바로 그 모델~~~~ 그것도 민트급에 소리는 머.... 한 번 긁어보니 왜 좋은지 알겠다만.....아직은 좀 더 느껴봐야 할 듯..... 색상은 레몬 계통을 구입할까 생각했었는데 체리색상도 보면 볼수록 이쁘다. 사진도 실제색상이랑 비슷하게 잘 나왔음.
집에서 가까운 곳이라 퇴근하면서 데리고 옴. 대신 제이커스텀 방출. 이쁘고 좋은 기타이지만, 이제 나이가 나이인지라 점점 뭔가 특색있고 바디감 넘치는 것들이 좋아지고 있음. 선이 굵은 것들이 좋아진다랄까..... 2대나 가지고 있던 ESP도 한대는 방출 대상임.
One-piece Rosewood 지판, Aniline Dye, Kluson Deluxe machine heads, Custom Buckers, Historic Truss Rod Assembly, Accurate body & fingerboard binding color 가 특징이면서, 스펙은 다음과 같다.

Regular production Custom Shop guitars utilize a serialization system of CSYRRRR. CS stands
for Custom Shop, the Y indicates the last digit in the year of production, and the following digits indicate the production ranking. Earlier Custom Shop models may use a Y9NNN or Y9NNNN (if the production run is higher than 1000 units in a year). The Y indicates the last digit of the year the guitar was built. 9 is assigned to every custom shop guitar, and the last three or four digits are production numbers.
Example: CS31205 is a Custom Shop instrument produced in 2003 and was the 1,205th guitar built that year.
Reissues: Early Les Paul reissues produced between the late 1970s and 1993 should have an inked-on serial number on the back of the headstock. The first number should indicate the last year of the production. For example, 8 0358 would be a 1988. The Heritage Flying V, Moderne, and Chet Atkins CE produced between 1981 and 1983 will feature a serial number with a letter prefix followed by three digits. The letter may range from A through K, and the number started at 001. Most numbers finished at 099 and would move to the next letter. However, certain models do feature higher numbers than 100. The Heritage Series Explorer produced between 1982 and 1983 has a serial number that starts with 1 + 4 digits. These digits are strictly production numbers. In 1992, the serialization of reissues became standard. The configuration of M YNNN is still in use by Gibson. The M indicates the model code, specifically the last digit of the year of the reissue. The Y indicates the last number of the year of the guitar, and the NNN are the production numbers.
M YNNN 이라는 방식이 여전히 사용되고 있음. M은 모델 코드이며, 리이슈된 해의 마지막 숫자임. Y는 생산된 해의 마지막 숫자, NNN은 생산된 순서.
For example, 4 8256 indicates a 1954 Les Paul reissue built in 1998 and is the 256th instrument of the year. The following codes represent most of the reissues: NUMBER MODELS 2 1952 LES PAUL 4 1954 LES PAUL 6 1956 LES PAUL NUMBER MODELS 7 1957 LES PAUL 8 1958 LES PAUL, EXPLORER 9 1959 LES PAUL, FLYING V 0 1960 LES PAUL In 1997, Gibson reissued many of the 1960s models.
예를 들어, 4 8256 이라는 씨리얼은 98년에 생산된 54년 모델로 그 해에 256번째로 생산된 것이라고.
여기서 내 59를 보니 9로 시작하니 59년 모델이고, 그 다음이 3이니 13년이군......
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