Gibson LPS+ - ISP Decimator - Rocktron Piranha - Mesa 2:90 (Half Mode) - Recording Cab. w SM57 Dynamic Mic.
간만에 연구실에서 썩고?있던 메사 2:90 파워앰프를 집으로 옮기고....(무거워 죽는줄. 가뜩이나 허리가 비끗해서 아프던 차에.....ㅠㅠ) 레코딩케비넷에 물려 레코딩. 개인적으로 Breaking the Law의 스트레이트함은 최고로 생각함. 물론 기타솔로가 없음에도 긴장감을 늦출 수 없다는.
막상 해보고 나니 이전 미니렉티의 소리와 거의 다를바 없다.....ㅠㅠ. 이전부터 피라냐와 메사가 별반 차이가 없다고 하긴 했는데.......메사파워 탓일까?
메사 2:90의 모드는 3가지가 있다. 사진에서처럼 DEEP, HALF, MODERN.
DEEP / The low end fundamental will get lower and "breathier" and the high end will sound warmer and more three dimensional. The Deep feature enhances both clean and distorted sounds equally, so experiment to your liking. 저음이 낮아지면서 숨쉬는 듯? 소리반 공기반? 하이쪽이 따뜻해지면서 입체적이 된다. 이 모드는 클린과 디스토션을 똑같이 강조.
HALF / When 1/2 drive is activated the 2:90's overall output is reduced by roughly half and you will hear the volume drop correspondingly. 전체적인 출력이 대략 절반정도로 줄어들고, 따라서 볼륨이 감소되는 걸 알게될 것이다. Notice that the top end gets a little brighter in a higher frequency and just starts to break up. 하이가 약간 밝아지고 깨지기 시작. When listening to 1/2 Drive pushing a clean sound these break-up brights may seem excessive. Switching to a high gain sound however, tells the real story right away! The top end gets softer and the harmonies line up and start to dance. 하이가 부드러워지고 배음이 정렬되며 춤을 추듯. The whole amp gets spongier and feels easier to play. When using 1/2 Drive for giant crunch chords it provides the haze that's hard to beat, especially when used in conjunction with the Deep feature. Half Drive was originally conceived as a way to get more gain from the power section to combine with high gain sounds in the preamp. 프리부의 하이게인과 함께 파워부에서도 더 많은 게인을 얻기 위해 설계됨. This works beautifully. There is, however, another great way to put this feature to work that is easily overlooked. Dial up a clean sound from the pre-amp, then increase the front end gain as high as possible without pushing it into full blown distortion ... you know, just to the threshold of distortion. Trigger the 112 Drive to unleash a truly cool and bluesy medium gain lead sound. Darken or brighten to taste either at the tone controls or with the 2:90 presence controls. With an "analog" (non-programmable) pre-amp this becomes a useful "extra mode". With TriAxis many such possibilities await. As we mentioned earlier, engaging the 1/2 Drive causes a volume decrease. This is a possible problem only to non-TriAxis owners. 트라이엑시스를 사용하지 않는 유저들에게 볼륨이 줄어든다는 건 문제가 될 수 있음. Since the 2:90 was, from its inception, the TriAxis counterpart in a "system" to other pre-amp owners, we now apologize for any inconvenience and hope you make a B-line to your nearest MESA/Boogie Pro Center straight away to hear the TriAxis. To all you TriAxis owners, you will soon find this "could be fault" a truly great feature! You've now doubled all your great programs at lower volumes, great for choruses where the vocal needs to stand out but you want more gain or "intensity". Or you might program the TriAxis Master higher and whip the 2:90 in 1/2 Drive harder for that extra grind when moshing. Whatever your individual application, 1/2 Drive will enhance the 2:90's already toneful nature greatly.
MODERN / Again, this LED indicates the Modern voicing feature has been selected. Derived from the presence shift switches found on our Mark IV amplifier, and the "Red" or Modern Channel of our Dual Rectifier Solo Head, this sound pushes at the boundaries of today's high gain crunch. To the tame and timid, Modern is a scary sound. It is the opposite of soft... it's hard... hard core aggression. If you love to get way agro with super gained out crunch, Modern will re-focus your attack and clean up the slop. Often times when trying to dial the amount of gain necessary to get the scream and grind... you quickly find the low notes falling apart or becoming too washy. Modern is the cure for "anemic chunk”. It places emphasis on the percussive mids and highs and tightens those flubby lows where they tighten up right at the power section. Modern also provides a little more headroom resulting in a volume increase. When Modern is used in conjunction with Half Drive there is virtually no volume change and the benefits of both are incorporated to achieve more gain, more aggression, more harmonics, more scoop, more attack etc. Then try the ultimate enhancement Deep, Half Drive and Modern! We'll spare the adjectives ... just try it out and you'll see why we think this is the most advanced and easiest to use two spaces of Tone Power on the planet.
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